March 18, 2022

I come from a family known for being open, fun, wild, kind and for usually telling it like it is. Now and then we throw out a shy offspring and immediately put them in a Radish Training Program so they can learn how to laugh into the wind and especially laugh at themselves. On my…

March 8, 2022

I know I am not the only woman who feels as if she has been climbing up the damn hill her entire life to get what she deserves. It’s International Women’s Day and how great that they gave us one flipping day to say how wonderful we are. I will take this day and run…

February 19, 2022

Years and years ago when I left home at a very tender age to work for some wealthy people in Chicago as a “Mother’s Helper”, which really meant, “You do whatever we tell you to do” I had no idea what the word “hard” really meant. I found out very quickly. It was the year…